
Feel like ps1 hagrid
Feel like ps1 hagrid

feel like ps1 hagrid

The Jaguar had some less complicated shading and antialiasing routines but much of the Jaguar wasn't even worth playing, and was a huge step down from the PS1 in almost every way. That noise and glitchiness you see in a PS1 graphic was how all home 3D gaming looked until the N64 came out. The Playstation 1 was very nice for the time and eventually cheap, and it sure had a lot more games since games didn't have to be released on much more expensive (and smaller) carts - but then the carts loaded almost instantly and were highly durable. So, the N64 relied on some custom graphics chips related to SGI hardware that did the perspective rendering and shading in hardware rather than software. This was a VERY expensive computer when it was brand new. The N64 was based on Silicon Graphics hardware - roughly based on the Onyx workstation if I recall correctly. Been a long time since I’ve seen old PS1 games. I thought a majority of that was sprites. ago I’m actually surprised there were polygons with PS1. Just wait until they can render grass and hair." The environments and some characters looked pretty decent for a fully 3D modelled PS1 game, but a lot of models looked really off (Hagrid and Neville being the most infamous ones). I remember saying to friends "Man, the games in ten years or so are going to be incredible to look at. it's all so laughably low-res now, but it showed us what was going to come and fast.

feel like ps1 hagrid

Playing Super Mario 64 for the first time was incredible, just messing around and playing with the lighting and rendering tricks, seeing water move in Waverace. Man, the first time I saw an N64 it was like a religious experience. If you could run the original DOOM or Descent or something at 30 FPS on a 4 meg or so card you were hot shit. You have to remember that a lot of people didn't even have real 3D accelerators back then. No one had seen anything like it yet unless you worked with military hardware or high end 3D workstations. When the N64 came out it was pretty incredible.

Feel like ps1 hagrid